
Activists Hope Disturbing Monkey Photos Lead to Research Facility Closing

Activists Hope Disturbing Monkey Photos Lead to Research Facility Closing

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Animal rights activists from Broward and Palm Beach counties are hoping the photos they recently helped publicize will lead to nothing less than the complete closure of Primate Products, the research facility in Doral where the pictures were taken.

The photos, which show several monkeys with severe head injuries, were given anonymously to and published by a local group called Smash HLS. In a statement to NBC Miami, the owner of Primate Products, Donald Bradford, confirmed that the photos did come from inside his facility.

Warning: photos after the jump get increasingly more graphic.

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Smash HLS founder Gary Serignese, from Boca Raton, says his group won’t rest until Bradford is out of business. “We intend for nothing less than the complete closure of Primate Products and the release of the imprisoned primates to safe sanctuaries,” Serignese says. “Donald Bradford, the sadistic president of Primate Products, will be exposed for what he is: a slave trader and atrocity-denier. His life of luxury, paid for by the blood of the tortured animals he so cruelly exploits, will be complicated. Simple days in his gated community or at his country club are no more.”

In Bradford’s statement, he said the monkeys were injured by other monkeys and that now they are fine.

Serignese, one of the organizers of the Puppy Palace protests in Hollywood, doesn’t believe Bradford. He added: “We are determined to fight vigorously for their freedom from abuse, violence, and exploitation. Their autonomy must be recognized and respected. We will exercise our constitutionally protected rights and push them to their limits of effectiveness to achieve our just goal.”

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Serignese says his group will protest the facility again on Tuesday.

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