Plans revealed for Mauritius monkey farm to set up in Florida
Posted by arff
The Animal Rights Foundation of Florida and the BUAV, a UK animal protection organization, have vowed to campaign to try to block the establishment of a fourth monkey breeding facility in Florida. The plan has come to light following a tip that another company supplying monkeys to the U.S. research industry is looking to establish itself in the state. According to information leaked to the two organizations, PreLabs, a contract research organization in Chicago is collaborating with a primate company from Mauritius to purchase land on Wheeler Road in the City of Labelle (Hendry County). Biodia, the primate company in Mauritius, currently exports macaques to the U.S. research industry.
The three other primate facilities in Florida are Primate Products, Worldwide Primates and the Mannheimer Foundation. Primate Products has recently announced a collaboration with another Mauritius company called Cynologics. Mauritius is the world’s second largest exporter of monkeys for the research industry and is a major supplier of primates to the U.S., including those taken from the wild. A recent investigation by the BUAV uncovered the cruelty and suffering inflicted on the island’s wild population of long-tailed macaques.
If the proposal goes ahead, this will be devastating news for the monkeys on Mauritius. It will mean thousands of wild monkeys will be ripped from their homes and torn from their families, shipped to the U.S. and imprisoned in breeding farms to produce offspring who will suffer and die in laboratories. The cruelty and suffering inflicted on these highly social and intelligent animals is morally unacceptable.
Please contact the Hendry County Economic Development Council and the County Commission and politely request that they reject any proposal to establish this monkey breeding farm:
Tristan Chapman, Chairman
Hendry County Board of County Commissioners
E-mail: bocc3@hendryfla.netGregg Gillman, President
Hendry County Economic Development Council
Please reject any proposal to establish a monkey breeding farm.It is cruel and so many monkeys would be devasted.
no more testing on monkeys or any other animal
Florida: The Animal Exploitation State!
No more testing on animals!
Animal tests are outdated and unreliable. Their sole ‘value’ is to the researchers who get what is basically white coat welfare handouts from our government paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. We don’t want to pay for this torture anymore.
Animal testing is simply not relevant to humans, there is far more reliable and up-to-date testing available which does not involve indefensible cruelty and suffering inflicted on animals.
With a planet-wide campaign calling for animal rights and freedoms, growing numbers of people everywhere to shut places like green hell and these established places, it’s surprising that these horror houses are not only doing well but that another one is even in the planning. Looks like we’d best prepare for battle & do everything we can to stop this and not have them go anywhere else in the world.
how can i help? im in chicago
We were hoping someone could pressure them in their area about this future project. They don’t own the property in Florida yet, although they are very close. Their mind could still be changed with some hard-hitting protests. Smash HLS and others will be challenging them as much as we can here. Maybe you can start a campaign against them there or even stage a single protest? “Don’t build the monkey farm”, type of thing. The address they have on USDA reports is: 33 Chicago Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302.
Please keep up informed
PLEASE END THIS CRUELTY!!!! Let’s move forward, experiments are NOT necessary! PLEASE!!!!We’ve inflicted enough pain and suffering and for nothing! STOP!!!