Philippine Airlines bans the transport of Primates for research!
Posted by Gateway to Hell
Following a sustained campaign that saw them inundated with thousands of phonecalls and emails, their Facebook pages occupied by activists and a number of their offices invaded, Philippine Airlines, (PAL), have finally seen reason and banned the transportation of primates for the research industry. They had repeatedly claimed that they do not transport primates for the research industry, although we know that they have been transporting primates from Indonesia to the USA and we have undeniable evidence of their previous shipments!
PAL issued a more ambiguous statement last month, which made reference to a ban on the transportation of “wild animals“, but as most of the primates they were transporting are not classified as “wild” on their CITES certificates we rejected the statement and continued the campaign. Their new statement, which was published on their main Facebook page yesterday and confirmed on the telephone today, is less ambiguous and states that “this includes any and all types of primates destined for cruel research and experimentation“. The full statement can be read below:
PAL were one of only three passenger carrying airlines transporting primates for the research industry, and the only known transporter of the valuable pig-tailed macaque monkeys from Indonesia, so now only Air France and China Southern Airlines still transport primates for the vivisection industry. This represents another devastating blow to the primate research industry as airlines are forced to bow to public opinion and stop transporting innocent monkeys to be tormented, brutalised and killed in meaningless experiments.
Based on the provided statement, and subsequent verbal confirmations, we now call for an immediate cessation of all protest activity directed towards Philippine Airlines. We will continue to monitor them, as we do with the other airlines who have made policy changes, and if we discover they are being duplicitous then we will take further action. However, for now, we call on our supporters to focus all protest activity on Air France and China Southern Airlines.
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