
What’s Yvonne up to?

Yvonne Sanandres is the President of several South Florida businesses.

A real estate company:

425 N. Andrews AvenueJanus International Realty
425 N. Andrews Avenue, #201
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 463-2406 or (954) 812-6043

A sewing & alterations shop:

2620 N. University DriveUniversity Alterations
2620 N. University Drive
Sunrise, FL 33322
(954) 747-7569 or (954) 812-6045

And Bio Resources International.

401 E. Las Olas Blvd.Bio Resources International
401 E. Las Olas Blvd.,
Suite 130-280
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

On September 10, the U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a prelicense inspection at Bio Resources International. In its report, the USDA wrote, “Applicant wishes to be licensed as a class ‘B’ dealer.” The business of a Class B dealer is the purchase and/or resale of animals. For example, Worldwide Primates and Primate Products are licensed Class B animal dealers. Considering the creepy name of the corporation, and Yvonne’s personal/business relationship with Matt Block, we’re concerned that the business of Bio Resources International will be the import and sale of animals for vivisection.

Contact Yvonne at one of the above businesses and ask her, what’s up? Ask what she’s planning to do with an animal dealer license? Let her know that supplying animals to laboratories is a bad business to get mixed up in.


One thought on “What’s Yvonne up to?

  1. You guys are great! How did you get this info? I’ve been looking everywhere and I can’t find it on anything other than your site.

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