In a world plagued by economic inequality, racism, police brutality, widespread animal slaughter and unprecedented ecocide, it’s easy to feel disempowered. But there’s good reason to keep fighting. When applied […]
Surprise! On Sunday, May 20th, six activists gathered unannounced in Pinecrest, FL to protest Worldwide Primates president Ira Block (who turned 29 a few days later) and his sister Elana. […]
Back in 2014, less than a year after we kicked off our campaign to shut down Worldwide Primates (WWP), the company filed a lawsuit against Smash HLS. It sought permanent […]
Dripping with sweat and sporting only underwear, Avi Haller reluctantly answered the door to his Miami apartment at 6:51pm on Thursday evening. “What?” he asked. We were visiting Avi’s residence […]
There’s a new President and Chief Operating Officer at lab animal supplier Primate Products Inc., and that’s bad news for its competitor Worldwide Primates. Paul Barras (pictured) became the top […]
January 1 could mark a new beginning for Brian Rasmussen of JKL Secure Freight. In 2017, the company was one of only a few transport companies that Worldwide Primates depended […]
In early September, Smash HLS launched a new facet of our campaign against Worldwide Primates (WWP). News spread fast about Landmark Bank, N.A.’s $4 million loan to the notorious monkey supplier, […]
Animal research is big business. Those who poison and mutilate nonhumans to death under the guise of science usually wear lab coats, but researchers are only part of the picture: […]
Today, Smash HLS is launching a new, financial aspect of our campaign against Worldwide Primates. In March, Fort Lauderdale-based Landmark Bank made a $4,000,000 loan to Worldwide Primates. The loan […]
There’s a new veterinarian at Primate Products. Amber Williams started work at Primate Products in Hendry County earlier this year. Amber is originally from Wisconsin, but she’s not new to […]